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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 7th July

Good morning Year 4 you are doing some amazing work thank you, keep up the good work! This week, as well as completing your lessons that I set on here, you need to make sure you:

  • Read. What book are you reading at the minute? Have you read any poetry or non-fiction?
  • Play on TT Rockstars
  • Keep in contact with me through the blog or email. This is really important and I love to see what you are doing whilst you are at home.
  • Today's PE I will be posting how you can get involved in the Virtual Mile!

Here are today's task enjoy:


You are all invited to take part in the Virtual Mile, have a look at these documents to learn what it is all about. Any evidence you sen to me I can add to our school entry form to send to Burnley Leisure!


Task 1: English

LO: To develop vocabulary and sentences to create atmosphere.

From the picture slides below, complete the activities. Use your imagination and get creative! There is no wrong answers here! I want to see some amazing writing just have a go. Enjoy!

Take your time to complete each of these activities into your exercise books.


Task 2: Maths

LO: To compare, sum and difference graphs and charts

To access today’s Maths click on the links below:

One is the video lesson

One is the work sheets to complete

One is the answers
Watch the video lesson, then click on the activity PDF. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!


Task 3: French

LO: French rhymes

This week you will listen to two French rhymes - the links to the videos are on the PowerPoint (click the link below).

When you have watched the videos, you need to copy out the French words for each poem, and then illustrate them.

Do each poem on a separate piece of paper and be sure to fill the whole page please. Pictures of your work can be sent on the comments of the French blog, or by email to your class teacher.

I hope you enjoy learning the rhymes.

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