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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 26th March

Rainbow Yoga 🌈 Yoga For All Ages! 🌈 Yoga With Adriene

Rainbow Yoga! The perfect 17-minute practice to brighten your day, to help turn darkness into light. Great for ALL AGES! Breathe deep, create a healthy flow ...



Task 1: English

LO: To summarise and sequence a story

Watch the video below of the Lorax story. Then create a storyboard that retells the main events in the story, only pick keys points. Use this picture to help you draw your story board. Have fun it doesn't have to be perfect! 


The Lorax - Read Aloud Picture Book

Follow along as Ms. Linda reads this age-old Dr. Seuss tale. It's the fable of the wise Lorax defending his home and friends against the greedy Once-ler.


Task 2: RE

LO: To understand features of a prayer

Read through the PowerPoint slides below. Use this to help you write a prayer in your exercise book for the world right now. Think about how people are helping during this difficult and very different time. NHS staff, careers, support workers, teachers, delivery drivers etc...


Task 3: Maths

LO: Multiplication and division practice

Today's Maths is simple you have two options choose one or why not do both!

Option 1: Times Table Rock Stars! Lets see who can improve their level/time the most! Blog me if you think we should challenge another class and which class you would like to challenge. 

Option 2: Log onto Education City and play live on multiplication or division you might be on at the same time as another year 4 child or even me! 

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