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Good morning Year 6!
WOW! Yesterday was HOT and today is supposed to be too. Please make sure you drink plenty of water to keep healthy and hydrated, unlike Stanley who is going to be hot and thirsty for the next 18 months! Make sure you blog or email all tasks today and keep up with your fabulous learning. Laptops and books out and here we go...
Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 25-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.
What skills did you practice for the virtual Lancashire Schools' Sports Festival yesterday? It was too hot for skipping and running at school so we did the classic distance throw - Daniel won! Click on the link below to access your skill choice for today.
LO: To understand a text
Today you are going to complete 4 tasks. Two of which are to listen to or read Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of Holes by Louis Sachar. We are going to find out who Stanley's new camp mates are and what crime he was actually accused of. Click on the link below to listen carefully to the audio then go to the English folder on the Year 6 website page to find out information and instructions for today's task.
English Task 3
Complete a Kahoot quiz! Click on the link below and it will take you to a log in screen where you enter your first name and then click 'go'. The quiz has 16 questions about Chapters 1 - 5. When you have finished, I will see your name and your score. Good luck!
L.O To know how the human digestive system works.
Our last few science lessons will be on the human body.
You will find the work in the science folder on the class page. Firstly, I want you to read the slides. Once you have read the slides watch the videos. (Only watch the second video if you are brave enough). Finally, open the pdf document and complete the worksheet.
Send me your work using the BLOG or Email.
L.O Area of a Parallelogram
The last lesson of White Rose Maths is on finding the Area of a Parallelogram. A Parallelogram is 4-sided 2D shape. The opposite sides are parallel.
A rectangle and a square are classed as special parallelograms because their opposite sides are parallel. They are special because their angles are all equal in size.
Parallelograms do not have to have 4 equal angles. They usually look like the shape below.
The formula for the area of a parallelogram is:
length of the base x the perpendicular height. (That’s the vertical height from the base. Look at the arrows on the diagram.)
Click on video below. Listen very carefully to the White Rose teacher who will go through examples with you and then complete the pdf worksheet attached. Once you have finished look at the answers and mark your work.
Send your work/score in the normal way through the BLOG or EMAIL.