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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! 
Class Teacher: Mrs Sethi

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Catley and Mrs Townley 



Maths and English Homework is given out on a Friday and will be due back in school the following Friday. If you want to bring it into school earlier, of course you can. If you are struggling with your homework, let Mrs Sethi, Mrs Catley or Mrs Townley know and they will help you during the week. 


Spellings are given out every week on a Friday and the test is the following Friday. Please make sure you are practising your spellings every night for around 5-10minutes.


Reading books need to be brought into school every Wednesday with at least 3 signatures in your Reading Record. If you finish your book on another day of the week, you can bring it in to be changed. 


I would like you to play on Times Table Rock Stars every night for around 10minutes. 


Year 5's Welcome Power Point



If you are at home isolating because you have tested positive for COVID, please click on the subjects below to complete your work each day. Please complete one Maths lesson, one English lesson and one other subject. 

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