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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 7th January

Good morning Year 6!

You made a super start to your online learning yesterday! We received lots of fabulous work through email and on the blog. Well done everyone! Keep up that excellent Year 6 standard and your teachers will be very happy!!



Don't forget to exercise each day by going for a refreshing walk outside or by logging in to Joe Wicks which starts next week on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Or you could even log in to Go Noodle and have a go at the exciting dance routines there.



Reading is also MASSIVELY important for children so continue to read your school book or a children's book from home. Or you could read BBC Newsround online where there are lots of excellent news articles. Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading every day. Note your comments down in your reading diary.


Good luck with all your learning! Let's get going with today's 3 activities...


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 7-1-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.


LO: To use prepositions

Read the powerpoint below which explains your 2 tasks today that use prepositions.

Blog or email these tasks in the normal ways. Good luck!



L.O Understand Thousandths

Today's lesson follows on from yesterday. Remember, decimal numbers are the numbers that go between two whole numbers. Between the numbers 5 and 6 we have decimal numbers or mixed numbers (fractions) 

For example,

5.6 is bigger than 5 and less than 6. It has 1 decimal place - 6 tenths (0.6)

5.63 is bigger than 5 and less than 6. It has 2 decimal places - 6 tenths (0.6) and 3 hundredths(0.03)

5.634 is bigger than 5 and less than 6. It has 3 decimal places - 6 tenths(0.6) 3 hundredths (0.03) and 4 hundredths (0.004)

Your work today will be on numbers with 3 decimal places. eg 4.567 This number has 3 numbers after the decimal point so it has 3 decimal places. 

Watch the video first and then answer the questions in your book. Send me your work on the BLOG or by EMAIL. 




L.O Understand the symbols used in a circuit diagram and how the brightness of a bulb is related to the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.

Today your work is on Education City and is revision of the Electricity topic that we did in the Autumn Term. YOU WILL NEED TO DO THEM ON A LAPTOP, AS THEY ARE NOT ALL TABLET FRIENDLY. Once you have done the Education City activities there are some experiments you can try.


It isn’t safe to play with circuits and electricity at home, but you can safely do experiments using a special type of electricity called STATIC ELECTRICITY.

Watch the YOUTUBE video. Even if you can’t do them at home, they are fun to watch.


Static electricity is the build-up of an electrical charge on the surface of an object. The smallest particle of a material which an object is made from is called an atom. Atoms contain an equal amount of positive and negative charges. Atoms with the same type of charge repel one another, while those with the opposite type of charge attract one another.

SHOCKING Static Electricity Experiments and Tricks ⚡

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