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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 5th May

Hello Year 4! Well done everyone.

Today's tasks you have to follow instructions very clearly. Have fun and try your best. I do not mind if you get an adult to help to explain the slides for English and French.

Please blog on my grown up blog post for today when you have finished a task, an adult can email me with any work you may have done:

Carry on reading and logging onto TT Rockstars everyday. Keep Active and Happy!

Last week’s newsletter is now ready to view on the website.



Task 1: English

LO: To sequence main events of story

The English lesson today is based around the video Tadeo Jones which I will upload below, you get to watch it all finally!

Work can be completed into you exercise books using the correct date and LO. The sheets you can copy into your books or print off and stick in if you want. Get your adults to email me any questions if stuck, and try your best. Follow all instructions from the PowerPoints carefully! Here are today's activities enjoy:

Tadeo Jones


Task 2: Maths

LO: To pratice Times Tables up to 12

Today's Maths task you need to log onto Education City, click on class work then click on Maths Task: Tues 5th May, XTables. Work your way through each activity and at the end you will get to PLAY LIVE! Enjoy!


Task 3: French

This week in French we are going to be able to say if there is or is not a place a in town. Read through the PowerPoint and then answer the questions. Remember to enable editing on your PowerPoint so you can hear the audio -there are some phrases for you to listen and repeat! Please send in pictures of your work to my blog post or email them to Mr Steele, we do like to see what you have been doing! Enjoy!

This document is meant to say French task by the way!

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