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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning! Hope you’re all ok today. Once again I received some brilliant work yesterday so thank you and keep it up for the rest of the week! The Maths work was tricky yesterday so well done for persevering and completing it. Today’s work should keep you busy so try your best and work hard!


Here are your lessons for today. Please make sure you blog or email your work.

LO – To use a range of grammar skills.

Today we will look at a different Greek Myth called Theseus and the Minotaur. It was mentioned in yesterday’s myth! Follow the links below to read, watch and listen to the myth. The audio of the myth is quite long – you don’t need to listen to it if you feel you have a good idea of the myth already.

Watch the myth - Theseus and the Minotaur

Your task is to re-write the story using a maximum of 500 words. Every word counts so make sure you use exciting vocabulary and a range of sentences to excite and interest your reader. You may choose to type this on the computer to keep an eye on your word count! However I don’t want you to just re-write the story, I want you to make sure you include:


  • Relative clauses (The minotaur, who was determined to kill, tried to find his next victim.)
  • ‘ing’ sentence openers (Screaming out loud and desperate to be heard, the people tried to escape)
  • ‘ed’ sentence openers (Angered by his Father’s plan, Theseus decided to take action.)


I would like you to show me when you use a relative clause or an ‘ing/ed’ opener by underlining or highlighting it. Use a different colour for each one and create a key. 

LO – To calculate the area and perimeter of shapes.

In today’s lesson, you are going to be calculating the area AND perimeter of different shapes. This is slightly trickier as you need to remember which formula to use. Remember:


Perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape. To work out the perimeter, add up the lengths of all the sides.


Area is the term used to define the amount of space taken up by a 2D shape or surface. We measure area in square units and calculate it by multiplying the length of the shape by its width.


Click on the link below to find your questions. Remember to click on full screen and zoom in if you need to. Choose part B or part C.

Optional Tasks

Here are some additional, more challenging questions if you wish to have a go at them. They follow on from yesterday’s extension task.

LO –
To revise how to give your preference for types of food.

Today we are going to revise how to give our preferences about food (which will be very useful in case we have an assessment to do before Easter!) Watch the video below which will explain what to do on the worksheet below. You should complete the worksheet first by writing your sentences into your book.


Once you have completed the worksheet, look at the picture slides below. This is asking you to write some more sentences saying which foods you like or don't like. You will need to use google translate to find out the French word for each item. If you search 'English to French' on google it will bring up the correct website. When you type your word into the English box make sure you type 'the' as you will need the le or la to write your French sentence accurately.


For example - type in the ice cream, and it will give you the translation la glace. This will then go into the sentence as J'aime la glace.

Year 5 food preferences revision.mp4

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