Good Morning Year 3!
I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine and your home learning of course!
Today you have a BIG write to do in your English lesson, so I hope you're all geared up for that! After you've done all of your tasks today... YOU GET A FULL WEEK OFF!!!! So make sure you work hard today and earn it, hehe!!
I am really looking forward to reading your letters of persusaion from today, make sure you email me, or blog them. I will leave a blog post on the blog for you to comment on today and let me know how you are doing.
As you know, I choose a Home Learner of the week and a Blogger of the week every week. These children get a certificate sent to their parents' email address and they also get their name on the newsletter.
I also pick a photo of the week to go onto the newsletter. So keep sending me fun pictures of what you're up to at home. I wonder if you can spot whose picture is on this week's newsletter. The newsletter gets emailed to your parents and also appears on the school website.
Always remember to:
-Practise your spellings
-Play on TTRS for 20 mins
Here are today's tasks... enjoy!
Love Miss Townson x
Today I would like you to complete an arithmetic paper. It is attached below – Arithmetic Spring 3.
Try your best and remember to always show your workings out.
LO: To write a letter of persuasion.
Today we are going to use all the work that you have been doing in English to write a letter of persuasion to the ‘Tree Felling Association’.
Yesterday you wrote a plan and you should have outlined 3 points as to why they should NOT be destroying our rainforests. This will help you to write your letter.
I have attached my example letter that you read yesterday, below. You need to read this again. You will notice that I have outlined and described 3 points (3 different paragraphs) persuading the association to stop cutting down the trees in the rainforest. I have also used the features of persuasion that you wrote examples of on Wednesday. Get this work out and use it with your plan too. I want to see alliteration, exaggeration, opinions, facts and figures, emotions and rhetorical questions to back up your points in your writing. This will make your argument and persuasion better and hopefully then stop the fellers from destroying the rainforest.
You can also use your information from Geography to back up your points. You can talk about the different species of plants and animals that live in the rainforest, and that chopping down the trees is destroying their habitat.
I’m sure you have some wonderful arguments and can back it up with all the features of persuasion you have been practising.
One last thing Year 3… Have a close look at my letter. There are some presentation features that you need to use in a letter:
- I wrote my address at the top right (I used School’s address – you can too if you like) and I wrote the date underneath. You will need to do this also.
- I have addressed the letter to Dear Sir/Madam as I don’t know the name of who I am writing to. You need to start your letter in this way too.
- I have written in clear paragraphs, leaving a line when starting a new one.
- I have started my paragraphs with connectives (firstly, secondly etc) to start off my points.
- Finally, I have finished the letter by putting ‘Yours faithfully, Miss Townson’. Remember to put this and your name.
If we were in school, we would have written these letters into our writing journals. Therefore, you need to write this letter in your best handwriting, and it needs to be your best piece of work! I expect you to write at least two pages in your work books, if not more!
I can’t wait to read them, make sure you email them to me or post them on the blog.
Get persuading!!
LO: To explore algorithms.
For Computing today, you need to log onto Education City and find the class work named ‘Friday 22nd May – Computing’.
Work your way through the activities, learning about algorithms and how they can be used as instructions.
Remember Year 3 – I can see who has been on Education City and completed the tasks. It is not optional, you need to all complete this work.