- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Every day two people opened an advent door, inside was a little treat and an act of kindness.
Day One
Today's act of kindness,
'Say something nice to somebody.'
Day Two
Today's act of kindness,
‘Give someone a high five and tell them they’re awesome.’
Day Three
Today's act of kindness,
‘Give someone a thumbs up if you see them trying hard.’
Day Four
Today's act of kindness,
‘Draw a picture for someone.’
Day Five
Today’s act of kindness,
‘Help someone with a task they are doing.’
Day Six
Today’s act of kindness
‘Smile at someone.’
Day Seven
Today’s act of kindness,
‘Write a special poem for someone.’
Day Eight
Today’s act of kindness,
‘Give somebody a compliment.’
Day Nine
Today's act of kindness,
‘Share something with someone'
Day Ten
Today's act of kindness,
‘Make a friend'
Day Eleven
Today's act of kindness,
‘Write a thank you not to someone who helps you.’
Day Twelve
Today's act of kindness,
‘Help to tidy up’
Day Thirteen
Today's act of kindness,
‘Tell someone one thing you like about them.’
Day Fourteen
Today's act of kindness,
‘Put your rubbish in the bin.’
Day Fifteen
Today's act of kindness,
‘Hold the door open for someone.’
Day Sixteen
Today's act of kindness,
‘Tell someone Well Done for doing a good job.’