- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all ok!
I am so impressed with the quality of work that you are producing at home and in school. You are making me so proud every day Year 2 with how hard you are working and all the tasks you are completing to a brilliant standard! Your knowledge of 2D shape properties is fabulous and I am very pleased with seeing lots of children's handwriting improving in written tasks. Well done! We are on the countdown to coming back to school now as a whole class, just over a week to go, keep on working hard and trying your best!
I have set up a Year 2 boys vs girls tournament on TTRS that finishes on Friday at 3:15pm! Please log in as often as you can to earn coins for your team!
Below are your lessons for today. Please keep on working hard and trying your best to complete all your tasks to a brilliant standard. Remember to email your work to Year2_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk or put it on our school blog.
Every day, please find time to log onto www.getepic.com/students using our class code to read one of your assigned books or a book of your choice. This is very important as I am using this website to monitor your reading at home.
Also, please log onto Times Table Rock Stars daily to practice your times tables, which will help to up your confidence and speed! This is also a great way to compete against your friends and earn lots of coins for your character!
L.O. Draw 2D shapes.
Please watch the learn screen below.
Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets in your red book. You do not need to write out the questions, just answer the questions in the neatest way you can. If you wish to print the worksheets, that is also fine.
L.O. To understand a character's thoughts, feelings and actions.
Please watch the video on the school videos section of our website (under children, school videos, Year 2 videos 2020-2021) where I will read you Chapter 3 of 'The Enchanted Wood' by Enid Blyton.
In your writing book, I would like you to have a go at answering these questions, using words or phrases from the chapter to support your answers.
1. Why didn't the children tell their parents about what happened in the wood?
2. Do you think the children should have told their parents and why?
3. How did the children earn their day off?
4. What food and drink did the children take with them?
5. What problem do the children have when they get to the oak tree?
6. What do the children do to ask for help from the elves?
7. What is the name of the elf who helps the children and what does he look like?
8. Why didn't the elf want the children to climb the Faraway Tree?
9. What do you predict will happen next now the children are climbing the Faraway Tree?
L.O. To compare the differences between things that are living, dead and have never been alive.
Please watch the Science video on the school videos section of our website where I will explain the living, dead or never alive slides for you.
Task 1
I would like you to make a living, dead or never alive informative poster. Please split your page into 3 columns and put these headings at the top of your paper. Under each heading, write at least 3 facts to explain the characteristics of each one, followed by pictures.
Task 2
Then, please make and decorate your own MRS GREN poster using the key words that it stands for and pictures to support.
Have a great day!
Love, Miss Dewhurst x