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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another





This is the place where you will find information about our Weekly Stay & Play Sessions, the provision we offer at Nursery and where we share Nursery news about what we are doing in class with our current group of children. 


Hello and Welcome to St John's Nursery

In our Nursery there are two teachers:

Mrs Barker and Mrs Clough 

and our Teaching & Learning Assistants

Miss Barnes and Mrs Cumming


  • Nursery starts each day at 8.45am. If your child requires morning only sessions (15hrs a week) they should be collected by 11.45am (doors open at 11.30). 
  • The morning session ends at 11.45am when those children who stay all day (30hrs) have their Packed Lunches (11.45am-12.15pm) which they bring from home before continuing the day with the afternoon session.
  • The Nursery Day finishes at 3.15pm (doors open from 3.00pm). All children should be collected by 3.15pm
  • All Nursery Children receive free milk and a fruit snack each day and have access to indoor and outdoor provision throughout each session. 
  • All sessions are Teacher-led.


Every child will be allocated a Key Worker who will make sure they are always settled, happy and learning.

Parents & Carers will be able to contact the Key Worker by email at

March 2022- Artists at work with Daffodil observations. We learned the correct vocabulary for leaf, stem, petal and trumpet.

March 2022 - Lunch and chat with friends. We try to keep knees and feet under the table, open packets and wrappers ourselves, finish one thing before moving onto the next and use good manners.

March 2022- Red Nose Day Fun 🤩

March 2022 - Our After Assembly Celebration Picnic in the Secret Garden Trim Trail... Fun with friends!

March 2022- Our Class Assembly- click the link below the picture to watch...

March 2022 - Fun on World Book Day! A big thank you to our families for your help with this!

February 2022- Busy, busy busy!!! Indoor & Outdoor Learning; Messy Play, Mud Kitchens, Train tracks & Construction with Nursery and Stay & Play friends

February 2022 - Practising tripod and pincer grip pencil hold

February 2022 - Valentine number games & creative themes

January 2022 - Physical Skills - jumping with two feet together, jumping from one hoop to another, creating trails, balancing and transferring weight.

❄️ It’s Winter! ❄️

January 2022 - Sensory play - We made orange play dough with a hint of thyme today. We had lots of herbs and spices to choose from such as ginger and mint but we chose thyme. We all had a mix and a kneed in order to make sure the play dough is super squashy and squishy.

January 2022 - Winter Fun! We made snow using paint and shaving foam and we put it in the freezer. It was very cold at first but it melted very quickly and then we used our fingers to draw and write in it.

January 2022 - Welcome to our New Starters! It is lovely to have you with us at Nursery!

January 6th 2022 - Celebrating The Epiphany - We became Kings and Queens to see Baby Jesus and his very special visitors.

Welcome Back & Happy New Year to all our Nursery Families!

We ended 2021 with our Advent Mass. It was lovely to visit church with Reception, Y1 & Y2. Fr Allan was very impressed with how much we knew about the Christmas Story and we all got a chance to look at the crib.

December 2021 - Christmas Dinner with the big boys and girls in the school hall

December 2021 - Father Christmas came to visit our Party!

December 2021 - Our Christmas Nativity. We were so proud of all our children.

November 2021. Children in Need!

November 2021 using Pincer grasp to follow patterns

November 2021 - We've had such a lovely time investigating all our Autumn treasures. Do you like our Autumn leaf crowns? We looked at the colours and shapes of all the leaves we had gathered in our big tray.

November 2021 - Learning about Remembrance Day

November 2021 - Celebrating Diwali....moulding & decorating diva lamps, chalk drawing Rangoli patterns and investigating food and fabrics

November 2021 - Autumn Festivals......Halloween Potions, Pumpkin Chopping, Spooky Spiders & Messy Fun!

October 2021 - Break the Rules Day....Hoodies & Trainers & Nail Varnish & Glitter Tattoos!!

October 2021 - Classroom Activities to develop and strengthen fine motor skills and speaking skills

September 2021 - Rainy Day Play.... all wrapped up and having fun!

September 2021 - Settling in and making friends

Welcome to Nursery - We are all unique, loved and very, very special!

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