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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 3rd July

Good Morning Year 3... It is Friday again!!


I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend... but also today's learning!


Please make sure you are:


-Playing on TTRS for 20 mins

-Practising your spellings



I hope you have a lovely day, here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson 


LO: To complete an arithmetic paper.


Follow the link below to this week’s arithmetic test. Try your best!


LO: To correctly add punctuation.


Today you are going to look at using the correct punctuation.


Log onto Education City and find the classwork named: Friday 3rd July – English.


Work your way through the Learn Screen, Activity and then worksheet.


Remember – I can see who has been on and completed the activities so make sure you do it!


This week Year 3, you are going to complete the Science booklet that you started last week. You need to find it in your Home Learning pack and start on page 11 and go right to the end.

Show me your answers on the blog or email!

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