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Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all ok!
Well done for your fabulous work this week, I am so proud of you all for working so hard! Today we will be learning about vertices of 2D shapes in Maths, then in English I will read you the next chapter of 'The Enchanted Wood' and we will be looking at the thoughts and feelings of the characters. Finally you have a music lesson from Mrs Jones!
I have set up a Year 2 boys vs girls tournament on TTRS that finishes on Friday at 3:15pm! Please log in as often as you can to earn coins for your team!
Below are your lessons for today. Please keep on working hard and trying your best to complete all your tasks to a brilliant standard. Remember to email your work to Year2_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk or put it on our school blog.
Every day, please find time to log onto www.getepic.com/students using our class code to read one of your assigned books or a book of your choice. This is very important as I am using this website to monitor your reading at home.
Also, please log onto Times Table Rock Stars daily to practice your times tables, which will help to up your confidence and speed! This is also a great way to compete against your friends and earn lots of coins for your character!
L.O. Count vertices on 2D shapes.
Please watch the learn screen below.
Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets in your red book. You do not need to write out the questions, just answer the questions in the neatest way you can. If you wish to print the worksheets, that is also fine.
L.O. To understand a character's thoughts, feelings and actions.
Please watch the video on the school videos section of our website (under children, school videos, Year 2 videos 2020-2021) where I will read you Chapter 2 of 'The Enchanted Wood' by Enid Blyton.
Then I would like you to put the date and L.O. in your writing book.
You are now going to hot seat a character, Beth, Joe or Frannie.
I would like you to think of 5 open questions to ask your chosen character about their thoughts, feelings and actions from their experience of the Enchanted Wood so far.
Write one question at a time, then answer each question underneath in full sentences pretending to be that character.
Leave a line between your questions.
Remember, open questions start with who, where, why, when and how and they need a detailed answer.
For example:
Why did you want to go into the Enchanted Wood?
I wanted to go into the Enchanted Wood because I was curious to find out what the trees were whispering! It is very unusual for trees to talk so I wanted to get to the bottom of it and find out if it was magic.
Who have you met so far?
So far, I have met 6 small elves who had long beards that reached their toes. I have also met an annoying and thieving gnome called Creepy who stole a bag from the elves! He disappeared up the Faraway Tree.
Music with Mrs Jones
LO: To recognise pitch.
Hello Year 2!
It’s Mrs Jones here! I hope you had a fabulous half-term and were able to rest from all your school work. Now, it is back to work!
In today’s music lesson, we are going to revise what ‘pitch’ means in music. In school before Christmas, we looked at my musical instruments called recorders. They were different sizes. The shorter the recorder, the higher the pitch. The longer the recorder, the lower the pitch. Then we got the ‘boomwhackers’ out. They were tubes of different colour and length and we played them to make the tune ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’. What colour boomwhacker did you play?
Click on the link below to see your music lesson today from the Oak Academy. Your teacher is called Ms Boyd and she is lovely! She will explain all about pitch to you. Then you can have fun singing some pitch songs. I think you will enjoy this lesson!
Have a great day!
Love, Miss Dewhurst x