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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 14th January 2021

Hello Year One, 


I hope you are all keeping safe and working hard at home for your parents. The children who have been in school have also been working hard too. 


Below you will find your lessons for today, remember to try your best in all of the activities and I look forward to see your completed pieces. Please remember to email any pieces of work to my email:


Have a nice day smiley

Let's all get warmed up and wake up our brains, enjoy laugh




Today can you complete pages 8-9  in your Phonics 10 minute workout booklet. 


LO: To learn about the Northern lights and create a poem about them using adjectives.


Before we begin have a look at the video.

What can you see? Write down in your GREEN book any colours you might see.

Alaska's Northern Lights

For today’s lesson we are going to carry on looking at poetry, today’s focus is looking at how we can use adjectives to make poems exciting for the reader. Please look at the slides below and complete the task. I look forward to reading your Northern Light Poems.



LO: To be able to add on from any given number.


For todays lesson you may want to use your hundred square or a number line to support your learning, you should find one of these in your home learning packs.

Addition Song for kids | Addition Facts | Addition Action | Jack Hartmann

This fun Addition Song uses addition sentences to engage students with movement as they actively participate in solving the addition problem they are present...

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Add by counting on

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions/pictures. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.



Good Morning Year 1

Our topic this Half Term is

Where do I live?

Last week you all drew plans of your houses. This week we are going to look at the world and begin to see where we are in it.

Please look carefully at the power point and then label the world map on sheet 1B.

Thank You

Mrs Clough

Power point. Please look carefully

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