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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 7th April

Good morning Year 2! smiley

Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Please send me an email at least once or twice a week to say hello and to tell me how you're getting on, with any lovely pictures of work you have completed. 


I am monitoring your activity online daily, please make sure you're accessing your daily tasks!



Tuesday 7th April      07/04/2020


Tuesday morning PE lesson with Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, live on youtube!


Science- L.O. To identify whether something is living, dead or has never been alive.

Watch the power point below.

Next, log on to ‘Education City’ and access the class work named ‘Living, dead or never alive’. Work your way through the learn screen and activity.

In your green writing book, please put the long date and objective at the top (underline both). I would like you to split your page into 3 columns and put the headings: living, dead and never alive at the top of each column. Your task is to write/draw at least 5 things for each column.


Maths: In your INSPIRE Assessment Book, please could you turn to page 7 ‘Using models: Addition and subtraction, Multiplication and Division’. Please put the short date at the top, then read and answer the questions on Section B pages 10-12. You will need to set up some column additions and column subtractions to help you solve some questions.

If you don’t have your INSPIRE book, please see the pages at the bottom and complete the sums in your red book.

Once completed, you could go through and mark the answers with your adult (in pencil), giving yourself a total out of 20! If you like, you can blog me your score too! I’d love to see how you got on.


English- I would like you to start writing your own magical land chapter for the Enchanted Wood. (You will need your plan from Monday to help you)

On A4 lined paper (in your plastic wallet), please put the long date and in the middle of your next line down, write your title ‘The Land of ….’ (underline both) Then I would like you to ONLY write your beginning and build up for your chapter. Please use lots of high level adjectives and verbs, with great sentence openers to set the scene. I’ll write mine below as an example…


On one mild, Tuesday morning, the three children, Ben, Daisy and Olivia had their delicious breakfast of toasted currant buns with sweet jam and once again, decided to set off to the mysterious Enchanted Wood. They were all so excited to see what wonderful adventures the day had ahead for them.


When the children arrived at the Enchanted Wood, they took one long, deep breath, then hastily skipped through the miniature toad stools and peculiar flowers to reach the Faraway Tree. Without hesitation, they climbed the Faraway Tree to find Moonface peacefully reading in his deck chair. The children asked Moonface if he fancied checking out the land at the top of the tree, to which Moonface was extremely excited to do so. So, altogether they quickly climbed to the very top of the colossal, magical tree and jumped up the short, wooden ladders. Ben was first to peek through the fluffy, white clouds. He was thrilled with what saw, so called the rest of the gang to follow him immediately! It was a new land indeed, it was the Land of Junkfood!


The children had great fun exploring the land. There were soft, squishy hamburger houses, tall, salty French fry lamp posts, enormous milkshake towers, small, breaded chicken nugget bushes, rivers of smooth gravy, fields of fluffy fried rice and ginormous, pepperoni pizza UFOs. The children couldn’t believe their eyes, they just had to tuck in straight away!



*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*

Well done for another brilliant day of home learning.

I miss you all so much. Keep smilingheart

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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