Good Morning Year 3!
I hope you are raring to go for another wonderful day of Home Learning! It is Wednesday today... we are half way through the week!
Thank you to all the children that consistently show me their work, either on email or on the blog. You are amazing!!
If you haven't emailed or blogged me for a while, make sure you do today to say hello and show me your work! My email address is
I have not chosen my favourite picture for the newsletter yet, so make sure you send me some exciting pics!
Remember to:
-Practise your spellings
-Play TTRS for 20 mins
Have a lovely day, here are today's tasks...
Love Miss Townson
LO: To solve place value problems.
Find the Inspire Assessment book in your Home Learning Pack.
Turn to page 23 and complete Section C (pages 23 and 24).
Try you best and then use the answers at the back to mark your work. No cheating! Post on the blog to let me know how you did!
LO: To plan a list poem.
Today Year 3, we are going to look at a list poem that the Author wrote after being in the jungle. I have attached it below and you need to start today’s lesson by reading it. We are then going to plan our own list poem using lots of exciting description.
I want you to think about the following when you are planning your poem:
★ Try to make your items sound exciting by using alliteration – where words start with the same sound e.g. sizzling sun, lazy lion, towering trees
★ Use precise, powerful verbs that show things in a more exciting way e.g. scorching, splashing, glittering
★ Choose unusual things to add to your bag. Be as inventive as you can e.g. a hat made of stars, boots made of spider webs
★ Exaggerate things. Make them: the biggest, the tallest, the sweetest, the fastest
★ Invent new things e.g. a Soupee bird, the smell of clouds
There is a planning sheet attached below that I want you to use to gather your ideas.
Please remember you are only PLANNING your poem today. Tomorrow you will write it.
LO: To explore why the rainforest is under threat and the measures taken to protect it.
Today we are going to be looking at why the rainforest is under threat. We looked at this in English a few weeks ago, and you are going to use some of that information again. First, I want you to look at the power point I have attached below. Work your way through it. I then want you to read the information sheet below on the rainforest. Your first task is to complete the planning sheet with the two headings: ‘Why is the rainforest under threat?’ and ‘What needs to be done to protect the rainforest?’ Write down all the ideas you have from all the research and information you know. Then finally, I want you to create an informative poster to SAVE THE RAINFOREST! There is a template below that you can use. I want you to include as much information as you can. Lots of facts! You can draw diagrams and pictures too, remember to use captions and labels! I look forward to seeing your brilliant posters.
Rainforest information sheet