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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 9th February

Happy Tuesday Year 4! Keep up the good work and have fun!

Don't forget to meet me on Microsoft Teams at 9:35 every morning, to go through your tasks. It should be easy to join through the calendar by clicking on the meeting on that day, and you will be waiting in a lobby until I open the meeting. Please make sure you log on and join the meeting because I will be doing a register!

Remember to keep blogging or emailing me every day! 

Keep reading using the GETEPIC website or app and logging into TTRS daily also! Here are the top 5 readers on GETEPIC so far:

Have fun and keep active! Here are you task for today:



Task 1: English

LO: To create more complex and interesting sentences

In English today,  I would like you to watch the video below and I will tell you what to do, pause or rewind at any time. Complete all written work into your exercise books, don't forget the date and LO and your best presentation/handwriting. Enjoy!

English Lesson with Mr Steele’s explanation

Still image for this video


Task 2: Maths

LO: To divide using knowledge of multiples

Click on the lesson link below and a follow the instructions on the Oak Academy lesson. Follow the video lesson and pause at anytime. Copy and complete any work or worksheets into your exercise books. Complete the quizzes and blog me how you got on. In today's lesson we will be using our known multiplication facts to help us divide mentally.


Task 3: French

Your French lesson today is to be able to say 'is' or 'is not'.

Watch the lesson from Oak Academy - you will find the link below. You are familiar with these lessons now, so you know to pause the video to complete the tasks in your book.

When you have completed the lesson, there is a worksheet below. 

For each animal you will say 'it is not a ....., it is a ......'. The first one has been done for you as an example. All the vocabulary you need is on the sheet.


Have a good day!

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