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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 24th March

Good morning Year 3! 

I hope you enjoyed your home learning yesterday, I'm checking Times table Rockstars, the School Blog and Education City to see who has been on and completing their tasks. Make sure you read every day and if you can, get your reading diaries signed! I have put your spelling list on the blog too, so you can practise these at any point during the day.

I am going to be giving out Green Dojos to children who are responding with work and I will announce who the Dojo winner is at the end of every week!


Here are your learning tasks for today...


Today I would like you to go onto Times Table Rockstars and do 10 mins on Studio and 10 mins on Garage. I will be checking your scores and times! I wonder if anyone will make it into the 144 club!

Good luck! 



Find the 'Making a Treasure Map' Reading booklet and answer booklet. Read the 'Making a Treasure Map' up to pg 6 and answer the questions in the answer booklet (pg 3-8). Remember to just try your best and skip any questions you find difficult. 



Please could you complete the following task from your Lumen Challenge sheet in your Home Learning pack.

Section 2 - French speaking countries

Task 2 = In your workbooks, draw the flags of France and two other French speaking countries, and find out what the colours and images mean.

As an extra challenge, compare the French flag to the British flag. Are there any similarities or differences in colours and the meaning?

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