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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 1st July 2021

Good Morning Everyone! 


Well, we have done so well keeping Nursery open every day since September 2020, so it was perhaps only to be expected that as restrictions eased, there would be a knock-on effect for our little ones. We must follow Public Health and Government Guidance and so learning will remain online for all children in Nursery and Reception just for this school week. 


We will set 3 activities per day, covering a range of learning. Please use them as you wish. We entirely understand that you will be juggling this week.. jobs, family life, childcare etc. As teachers and TAs, we too are having to make different arrangements for our families and work too.


If you can do more on some days or can only email pictures once everyone is in bed, then that's fine. The activities are a guide to the language, vocabulary, and skills that we would be concentrating on in our nursery activities and play. We know some of you welcome the activities to keep your little ones busy and focussed. Please do your best - that's all we ask. 


Good Luck and Stay Safe

Mrs Barker, Mrs Clough and Mrs Collins 

Task 1

Look carefully at this picture.

There are lots of things that you can see. say the name of everything you see.

Then please draw all the things that begin with the sound


If your adult is helping you, they could write the word by the side of your drawing too.

You could try to copy it.

Practise writing your name on your work too.

Task 2

Watch and listen to the story.

The Rainbow Drops are learning how to share.

Some of them are struggling.

Think about how we share at Nursery.

Sometimes it really is hard to be patient and wait for your turn. Do the Rainbow Drops share in the end? 

Sharing is part of being a good friend and you talked about that yesterday.

Can you get an adult to help you with this job?

Either on your computer or on some paper with colours and / or collage, get your adult to write the word 'Sharing' as big and fancy as possible and we would like you to decorate it beautifully. If you bring them to Nursery on Monday we will share them.


As you decorate, you could think or chat about all the times you share either at home or at Nursery.

Task 3

Let's sing!

Join in with The Wheels on the Bus

Now can you draw a bus?

It looks like a big RECTANGLE, it has CIRCLE wheels and it's windows could be SQUARES and RECTANGLES.

Could you draw some road signs too?

Road signs can be CIRCLES, SQUARES and TRIANGLES.

Bring your picture to Nursery on Monday or get your grown up to send it.

Next please have a look around your house.


If your adult could take a photo of you with your items and send it, that would be great.

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