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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 26th March

Happy Thursday Year 6!

Lots of awesome learning has been travelling across the internet and into our in-boxes. Thank you so much for keeping up with your work. Don't worry if you have not been able to access Education City, as it has been down this afternoon. It will be on-line again tomorrow. Keep safe and keep looking after your families.wink


Below are your 3 tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 26-3-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.




Today, Joe Wick's is trying to achieve 1 million viewers for his daily PE lesson! Join in to help achieve his fabulous ambition.


PS Liam Jones (remember he came in to school in the Autumn Term to help with PE and History) had a go at the Toilet Roll Challenge today after his exercise. See how he did in the school videos page. Who will be next?



Task 1

LO: To identify synonyms and antonyms

Log on to Education City to complete this unit of work.


Task 2

LO: To create similes and metaphors

Click on the English folder (the one below the date folder on the Year 6 web page) to see today's learning.

Using the powerful vocabulary you found yesterday, create 2 similes and 2 metaphors to describe Shaharazade. Record them in your red ruled exercise book. You could describe either her eyes, face, hair, jewels, dress, voice or beauty. Look inside the English folder to see my examples. Blog your favourite simile and metaphor.

Finley should be great at this! (Remember his similes for our Mother's Day cards?)



L.O Identify how animals are adapted to suit their environment. 


Today we are learning about how camels adapt to living in the desert. Go to the SCIENCE WORK FOLDER on the Y6 Class Page. Read through the slides carefully. The last slide has got 6 questions that I want you to answer. Write your answers neatly into your exercise book then send your answers on the today's BLOG. You can either send me a picture of your book or type your answers up.  


If you want an additional activity on animal adaptation there is a lesson prepared for you on Education City.



L.0 Reasoning with shapes.  

Yesterday we were reasoning with numbers, today we are going to reason with patterns. Go to the MATHS WORK FOLDER on the Y6 Class Page to find out how to do this activity. Do the work in your maths book (Remember to write the date and learning objective)

Send me a BLOG to tell me how many patterns you found. 





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