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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 8th January

Good morning Year 2, Happy Friday!


I hope you are all ok! Here we are at the end of our first week of home learning, you have all done very well. laugh I am so impressed with the work that you are sending to my email, thank you. I love reading through every piece! Please keep it up heart


Here are your lessons for today. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog. 



Our school are now using the website to help you access free age-related reading books each week for you to read at home! 


All you need to do is go on the above website, enter our class code (which will be texted to you and I'll also put it on our school blog), then select your initials. If you have 2 first names, or 2 last names, I've included them in your initials. Your assigned books will then pop up for you to read.


There are also lots of other free books for you to read as well as your assigned books.


Each week, I will set 2 new books for you to read at home. Using this website, I can track online how much and how often you are reading. It is really important that you read daily at home.


Let's start our morning off with another of our favourite GoNoodles! 


L.O. Multiplication sentences using the x symbol.

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.

O. To generate and select vocabulary.

Please listen to the video below where I will read you the second chapter of the book.


Then, I would like you to put the date and L.O. into your lined book. Count 10 lines down and write the word 'dark' in the middle of the line and draw a bubble around it. Please write at least 12 adjectives around your page describing the dark, so it is presented like a spider diagram. Adjectives could be spooky, peaceful, enchanted, spine-chilling, silent, eerie...


On the following page, I would like you to write at least 6 sentences describing the dark. Start every sentence with Dark is _________________ because _______________________________________.


For example, 

Dark is ancient because it has been around since the very beginning.

Chapter 2.wmv

Still image for this video

PSHE- New Year Resolutions

Please could you design me a 2021 resolutions poster on A4 paper. Make it as colourful as you can. I would like you to write 2021 in the middle of your page in bubble writing, then around the edge, could you write and finish these sentences:

My goals for this year are...

This year, I can't wait to...

This year, I want to...

One thing I would like to do again is...


Remember to use capital letters, full stops and commas in lists. You can draw pictures to decorate.


Have a lovely weekend Year 2! Well done!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x


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