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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 10th February

Good morning Year 6!

It is Wednesday so we have made it to the middle of the week. Lots of you sent some excellent work in on reflection in maths and I loved your list poems in English. Miss Miskell sent a message to say thank you for all your great French work this half-term. So well done everyone!

Don't forget the Teams Meeting for Year 6 Home Learners at 9.10am.

Let's keep up that brilliant work today!



Today's exercise choices:

1. Go outside for a refreshing walk.

2. Click on the link to Go Noodle and complete 3 of your favourite routines. 

3. Click on the link to Joe Wicks to tackle his exercise routine. (He's back on today). 

4. Have a go at the Bingo Challenge Mr Steele has put on the main Class Page - this looks fun!



There's more good news today! Our grand total of books read has increased to 271! WOW! A massive well done to our top readers today - Giuseppe, Miley, Braidon and Hayden. Aim for 10 - 15 minutes of reading each day and our total will keep growing!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 10-2-21 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.


LO: To spell words with the 'sh' sound spelt 'ch'

LO: To respond to a poem

Today you have 2 tasks in English. Read the information and instructions on the slides below in order to complete your lesson successfully. Blog or email these 2 tasks as normal.

Maths Topic- Integers and Decimals

L.O Rounding to a required degree of accuracy.

Question- How many babies do you think have been born today?

It would be very hard to give an accurate answer as babies are being born all the time so we can round the number to give an approximate, yet still quite accurate, answer. Do we round it to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 or 10,000. This will depend on the size of the number. For this answer I would round it to the nearest 10,000 and say approximately 330,000 babies are born every day. The true answer may be 332,673.


Get your book and pen ready. Your teacher is Mrs Harris again, and she will guide you through your lesson.


Click on the link below to open your lesson and let me know how you did on the BLOG or EMAIL. What did you score on the quiz?

RE- L.O Jesus told stories called parables.


There are 3 parts to this lesson. Each part is explained on the slides below. We are learning about the parable of the Lost Sheep as it's an excellent story to listen to in LENT (which starts next week.)


Firstly, read the introduction on the slides below. The first3 slides explain why Jesus told parables. Then you will see your task. 


Part 1- Read the message behind the Parable of the Lost Sheep. 


Part 2- Watch the animation of the Lost Sheep and think about the questions. 


Part 3- Read the Parable of the Lost Sheep and answer the 5 questions in your book. 

The Parable of THE LOST SHEEP

The Parable of The Lost Sheep Animation

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