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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Our News

News Diary

Due to Year 3 being such an exciting place to be, we all decided that we needed a news page on our website! Here, you will find out lots of things that happen in Year 3. Keep checking!



Can you remember when we had our Harry Potter theme week last term? At the time, we were looking at Letters and Authors in Literacy so we wrote some super letters to J.K Rowling. We know that she is such a busy person so we didn't think we would get a reply back. However, on Friday night, a letter was delivered to the Year 3 classroom. Guess who from? Yes thats right J.K Rowling, the author has written back to us! We were so excited to read this on Monday and we felt really special that our letters were really sent to such a fantastic author. It has made us want to write more!



Well today was the first week of Space Week and as if it wasn't as exciting enough, we have had an extra special delivery to class. Amber's Dad has so kindly cut out lots of pieces of cardboard for our very own Rocket! It all came delivered in a box and we built it up! It's absolutely AMAZING and we love it. A HUGE thank-you to Amber's dad from Miss Hartley and everybody in Year 3. We can't wait to decorate it. Keep checking for the pictures!

We brought in our Space Week projects in today. Miss Hartley was absolutely astounded by how brilliant they were. Your talents never cease to amaze everybody here at St.Johns, keep up the good work your talents are endless! Look on Year 3's homepage to see them.



Wow, what a great week! Today has been the busiest day in Year 3! We did Maths, Big Write and even made our own Solar System models. These were quite difficult to do and a lot of us had to try really hard but we managed. Have a look at our finished designs.



Our fabulous rocket is now painted and we have lots of things to stick on it after half term. Keep checking for the finished product

What a great half term we have had Year 3. You have worked hard and done some wonderful work. You should all be proud of yourselves. Have a great half term and rest well we have a lot of learning to do when we are back at school!

Year 3 visiting the Book Fair

P.E with Mr Heap


This half term, we are so lucky to have Mr Heap in with us to teach us P.E. We have loved our lessons so far!

A visit from the Police

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