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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



WWII Evacuation Day

As part of our WWII learning, our Year 6 children enjoyed a special themed day in school. We dressed as WWII evacuees and took part in activities similar to those from war time. We enjoyed meeting the Billeting Officer and Nurse Earnshaw. After a strict morning of Maths and English, we enjoyed a 'Make do and Mend' sewing lesson and important First Aid skills. Many thanks to all families who helped prepare the children in suitable outfits!

Trip to Padiham Town Hall

Year 6 enjoyed a fabulous morning at Padiham Town Hall learning all about what life was like for people in our town during WWII. We were able to learn from a wonderful presentation, from handling artefacts and by listening to the Archive Team who had very interesting information to share about Padiham during this difficult time.


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