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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 26th February

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all ok! 


Thank you for working so hard again this week both at home and in school. You have done a brilliant job with your tasks and I have been particularly impressed with your knowledge and understanding of 2D shapes! I hope that you are enjoying 'The Enchanted Wood' book and I will look forward to more creative writing about the chapters next week. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on teams or in school on Monday for our final week of virtual learning! heart


Our Year 2 boys vs girls tournament on TTRS finishes TODAY at 3:15pm! Please log in as often as you can to earn coins for your team!


Below are your lessons for today. Please keep on working hard and trying your best to complete all your tasks to a brilliant standard. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog. 


Every day, please find time to log onto using our class code to read one of your assigned books or a book of your choice. This is very important as I am using this website to monitor your reading at home.


Also, please log onto Times Table Rock Stars daily to practice your times tables, which will help to up your confidence and speed! This is also a great way to compete against your friends and earn lots of coins for your character!


L.O. Sort 2D shapes.

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets in your red book. You do not need to write out the questions, just answer the questions in the neatest way you can. If you wish to print the worksheets, that is also fine.


L.O. To answer questions from a text.

Please watch the video on the school videos section of our website (under children, school videos, Year 2 videos 2020-2021) where I will read you Chapter 4 of 'The Enchanted Wood' by Enid Blyton.


In your writing book, I would like you to have a go at answering these questions, using words or phrases from the chapter to support your answers.


1. Why does Beth think the Faraway Tree is an oak tree?

2. Why does the Angry Pixie throw a jug of water onto Beth?

3. Draw and label a small picture of what Silky's door looks like.

4. Describe what pop cakes are.

5. What do you know about the following characters: Silky? Dame Washalot? Mr Watzisname?

6. What do the children have to look out for being tipped down the tree?

7. Creative task: What do you think the children saw when they looked through the Angry Pixie's window? Draw a window below, about half a page big, and then use your imagination to draw what they saw.




L.O. To make a 2D shape picture.

I would like you to make me a picture using 2D shapes. You could cut shapes out of coloured paper, arrange them and stick them down or draw and colour 2D shapes. Below are some ideas for you. Have fun!

Have a lovely weekend!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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