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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 19th January

Task 1

Maths - Number 11

Click on the link - Counting to 20 and exercise.

Watch the Number 11 Power point. - Your adult may need to pause the power point so you can think.

Get your tens frame and counters out. You need 11 counters. Using 2 tens frame. Can you make 11? 

Now can you make 5 different ways to make 11?


Number 11

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Task 2

Phonics - x, y, z and zz

Click on the links - learn x, learn y and learn z

Watch the sorting j to z Power point - Your adult may need to pause it for you to say the objects.

Go on a phonics hunt and find objects for y and z.

Complete the activity for x and zz.

Sorting sounds j to z

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Task 3

UW - The Solar System.  

Watch the Solar System Power point. 

EAD - Design your own planet and vehicle.

I would like you to design your own planet.

What colour will it be?

What shape will it be?

What will live on your planet?

What will you name your planet?

Now I would like you to design a vehicle that you could use to travel to your planet.



The Solar System

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Space Week on Cbeebies with Maddie Moate

4.50pm - The Solar System

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