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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 18th September

Hello Year 2,


Here is your homework that I would like you to complete this week before next Friday 25th September.



This week, we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 100 and identifying different number patterns. Please could you log onto Education City, find your Year 2 Homework called ‘Compare and Count 18/09’ and work your way through the learn screen and activities.



We have also been reading lots of books and answering reading comprehensions in class, so I would like you to complete the Year 2 Homework called ‘Reading 18/09’ also on Education City.


I will be checking online so that I can tick off your name in my register when you have finished each task.


*Please remember to read EVERYDAY!*

We are enjoying checking your diaries and reading lots of comments about your reading. Please keep it up. yes


We are changing reading books every Monday and Friday.


Thank you for all your hard work. laugh


Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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