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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 14th July

Happy Tuesday Year 6! 

Wow - one more day done! Well done to ALL year 6 who completed their work today at school or at home. I believe some of you had internet problems at home so let's hope they are resolved for today's work. You will really need your internet to work soon, as Thursday's online lessons are a real treat! Let's see what your tasks are today. Are you ready? Go!


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 14-7-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



This week for your exercise, I want you to select your favourite Go Noodle activities. Today we are going to the Moose Tube!  Have a go at your top 3 and let me know how you got on. Click on the link below to get going.


L.O Forming calculations from an answer. 

Figure it out- This is me. 

Today I would like you to make up some amazing maths calculations based on yourself.

Eg The question is- How old are you?

Your answer could be 3+1x8 (remember BODMAS)


Don’t make them too easy.


For your year of birth use ROMAN NUMERALS

I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L=50 C= 100  D= 500  M = 1,000

The year 2000 is MM

There are 2 PDF documents below.

Work out the example first and then try to guess who the person is.

Then do one for yourself.


LO: To understand a text

Task 1

Today you are going to complete a book review of Holes. This is an important task because it shows me how well you understood the book and how good you thought the story was. You have completed them before so you know to fill in all sections. Click on the document link below to open the review. You can complete it on the actual document, you can print it out to complete or you can write the answers in your exercise book. 

Task 2

For a fun challenge today, complete the wordsearch for Holes. Click on the document below to print it out. Or click on the link to complete an online wordsearch, if you are not able to print.

Copy both pieces of work to the blog or email them to me.



LO: To complete a quiz

For our last lesson this year we have a quiz for you! The word document is a multiple choice quiz - for each question there are 4 possible answers. The questions are a challenge - you may need to use google to help you find the answers!! Tomorrow morning I will create a blog post with all the answers so you will be able to see how many you get right. 

Thank you for all your hard work in French this year, and especially during our time away from the classroom - I always look forward to seeing your fabulous work. 

Good luck with the quiz!

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