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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 16th June

Good morning Year 4 you are doing some amazing work thank you, keep up the good work! This week, as well as completing your lessons that I set on here, you need to make sure you:

  • Read. What book are you reading at the minute? Have you read any poetry or non-fiction?
  • Play on TT Rockstars
  • Keep in contact with me through the blog or email. This is really important and I love to see what you are doing whilst you are at home.

Here are today's task enjoy:


LETS DANCE TUESDAY! Just Dance Workout To Do This Morning!


Task 1: English

LO: To complete a reading comprehension

From the KS2 English Comprehension Year 4 Targeted Question Book in your folders, complete the The Story of Nu Wa Comprehension activity on pages 14-15. Don’t forget the put the Date at the top of the page.  Please read through the text carefully and keep going back to the text after you have read each question! The answers are in the text! 
You may want to draw me a picture that would explain the story further. When you have done and email your master pieces! Good Luck and well done everyone!


Task 2: Maths

LO: Addition

Today's Maths task you need to log onto Education City, click on classwork and click on Maths Task: Tuesday 16th . Complete all the activities, copy any sheets into you exercise book and only use the answers to check your work! Enjoy! It looks like this:


Task 3: French

LO: New French Vocabulary

In today's lesson we are going to revise the new vocabulary we have learned over the last 2 weeks. When you look at the PowerPoint presentation (uploaded below), you do need to watch it as a slide show -there is a picture on each slide and you need to try and remember the correct phrases, then when you click again the answer is revealed! The final slide has some cartoon images for you to colour using the descriptions given - you will need to copy the pictures into your books first before you can colour them in.

Please remember to send in pictures of your work in the comments of the French blog, or to Mr Steele by email. Enjoy!

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