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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 6th November

Hello Year 3,


Make sure you email me your English Home work to: 

I will know if you've done your Maths Home work as I can check on Education City. 


Please also practise your spellings every day, read every day and also practise your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars.


Thank you,

Mrs Sethi heart

Maths Homework:


For this week's homework, you need to log onto Education City and find the Home work named 'Maths Homework 6th November'. There is a learn screen on inverse calculations (opposites) and how to check your answers. Then there is an activity for you to complete. 

Remember, Education City tells me when you have been on and completed the tasks so I will know if you have done your home work. 

English Homework:


For your Home work this week I want you to write some expanded noun phrases, just like we have been doing in class. Remember an expanded noun phrase is:


adjective, adjective noun. 

Don't forget the comma!!


If you look at the document below, it gives you an example of an expanded noun phrase with 3!!! adjectives! 


A fearsome, powerful, hungry dragon with sharp claws. 


I have underlined the adjectives. You must remember the commas!

I would like you to write some of your own expanded noun phrases to describe the animals on the work sheet.  You can write these in your English Homework books. 


I look forward to reading them! 

Expanded Noun Phrases Worksheet

This week's spellings:

You will be tested on these on Friday 13th November. Make sure you practise them every day :)  





















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