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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 11th February

Good morning Year 5. Hope you’re all well. It’s nearly half term! I definitely think you deserve a week off! Brilliant work again yesterday. Keep it up and keep smiling!


Here are your lessons for today. Please make sure you blog or email your work.

LO – To analyse a setting/spellings

Today you again have 2 tasks and you must complete them both.


First of all, please complete Lesson 4 of The Giant’s Necklace unit we have been studying. Today’s lesson involves reading the next part of the story and forming an impression of the setting. You will also make a prediction. Pause the video and complete the tasks when instructed.

Your second task is your spellings (a day early – we will not be doing them tomorrow!) Please log in to Education City to find your task under classwork. It is called Spellings  11/2/21 and follows on from last week’s lesson on words ending in ‘ant’ and ‘ent.’ Please complete the activity and the worksheet (which can just be written in your book it doesn’t need printing.)

LO – To use a range of mental skills.

Your Maths work was brilliant yesterday so we are going to continue with something similar today. Please open up the worksheet below and like yesterday, complete all parts. Don’t give up on the longer questions that involve problem solving!

If you finish your work quickly and want to continue, have a go at the questions on number sequences. I have also included the answers.

Laudato Si logo competition

Please watch the video clip below. It is not a new clip and many of you will have seen this before. You will understand why I have asked you to watch this when you get on to your activity.

Laudato Si' animation for children | CAFOD

The Diocese of Salford is home to the Laudato Si Centre, which, when open, will welcome visitors to learn about protecting our planet, and will encourage us all to share actions and ideas 'to protect our common home' following on from the letter that Pope Francis wrote to every person on the planet – ‘Laudato Si’.


The Diocese of Salford are running a competition and are calling on young artists from schools around the diocese to get creative to draw, illustrate or paint the Laudato Si Centre’s new logo. You need to draw a logo based on what the Laudato Si Centre means to you. These can be painted, drawn or coloured but cannot be produced digitally.


There will be three prizes: two runner ups and one overall prize. Each prize winner will receive a bookshop voucher for £15 and the overall winner’s logo will be digitally transformed and turned into the Laudato Si Centre logo.


Let’s hope somebody from St. John’s wins! Please email me your work so that I can enter it in to the competition.

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