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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 30th March


Good morning Year 2!


Here are your new week’s learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 



Monday 30th March       30/03/2020


Monday morning PE lesson with Joe Wick's, the Body Coach, live on youtube!


Maths- L.O. To add 2 digit numbers.

Log on to ‘Education City’ and access the class work named ‘Addition 30/03/2020’. Work your way through the learn screen and activities.

In your red maths book, please put the short date and objective at the top (underline both). Then, if you have a printer, please print and complete the worksheet on ‘Tomb of Doom’, folding and sticking it in your book afterwards. If you haven’t got a printer, please copy the answers into your red book.

Remember- 1 number per square please!


English- L.O. To identify the features and structure of a chapter.

The last chapter that we read in school from ‘The Enchanted Wood’ story was ‘Roundabout Land.’ In your green writing book, put the long date and objective. Please could you read the power point below. Then, following the given structure of a chapter (beginning, build up, problem, resolution, ending), could you copy out the short sentences, in your best handwriting, solving the order in which they happened. It would be lovely if you could write these in a list.


Here are your jumbled up sentences to write out in order. 

I've started you off with the first two:


  1. The children are in the Enchanted Wood.
  2. They climb up the tree and see their friends who tell them which land is at the top.
  • Without warning, the land begins to spin and the children feel terribly dizzy.
  • They are stuck in roundabout land as they cannot walk or find the tree!
  • They find out they are in Roundabout Land! The children explore the land and they have fun hearing the different tunes.
  • They meet a small, unfriendly woman, who won’t tell them how to get home and spins the land more.
  • Rabbits appear and dig a hole to help the children.
  • Finally, the children make it back down and say they are never going up the tree again!
  • They find the tree but the children can’t get down, so the rabbits find a rope and tie it to the tree.




Art- In your yellow Art book, please could you draw me the giraffe portrait below. Try to copy the size and detail of the portrait to the best that you can. Then, colour it in using a media of your choice such as crayons, oil pastels, paint...

Remember our class 'top tip'- first draw your picture lightly, then once you're happy, go over your outlines, pressing a little harder with your pencil.

*Please try and make some time to read to your adult at some point today and fill in your reading diary!*


Keep safe, Year 2 smiley Enjoy your day.

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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