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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 19th June

Good morning Year 5. What a wet day it was yesterday! I hope it brightens up for the weekend. Well done and thank you for working hard again this week. You’re all doing so well and it’s wonderful to see the hard work you are putting in at home. You’ve done a lot of writing this week and the effort some of you have put in has been fantastic. I really enjoy reading your emails and blog posts so keep them up.


Here are your lessons for today:

LO – To answer questions on a given text using predictions and inference

Today we are having a reading focus as we have written all week in our English lessons. You need to read the text carefully and really think about the questions. Don’t rush…they are not easy! Log in to Education City and find your lesson ‘19/6/20 – Prediction and Inference.’


Remember I am monitoring your activity on here so please try your best. Also make sure you are completing all parts of the lesson and not clicking off before you have finished. It is showing up that some of you are doing this.

Mental Arithmetic & TTRS battle

It’s arithmetic day! Read the questions carefully and take your time answering the questions. Mark it when you have finished and send me your score through the blog or email. 



LO – To develop an understanding of the Ten Commandments

Last week in RE, we looked at Moses’ speech to God when asking for His help. God spoke, and these were his words:


“I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves.”


He then gave Ten Commandments that people were to live by. Read the information on the slides below and watch the video for more information. There are some questions on the slides for you to think about but you don’t have to write them down.

The Ten Commandments

Using the Ten Commandments as a guide, I want you to write a set of modern day commandments. Think carefully about these and how they would enable people to live freely and responsibly. When you have written them, decorate your work with pictures to symbolise your commandments.


Please make sure you send me these through email or the blog.


Have a lovely weekend. Fingers crossed for more sunshine!

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