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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Thankful Thursday


Can I start this morning by saying a huge thank you to all the grown ups for the photos they sent me yesterday. I was laughing all day. You are so inventive.

Mrs Maxwell said that she absolutely loved all your smiling faces, and she was smiling back at you all.


Today we need to start with Joe and get our hearts beating and our pulses racing.


You all seemed to be happy with the Targeted Comprehension work so I think we will do pages 4,5 and 6 today. Just follow the instructions carefully please and don't forget to fill in the attitude faces at the foot of each page.


After this I would like you to find the two common exception word sheets and read all the words to your grown up. Then cover the word and try to write it yourself twice to see if you can spell them too.



Finally to Education City. Please find Subtraction, this includes Sweet subtraction, No parking and Take it away.


Thank you again for all the work you are completing. I look forward to seeing all the photos of you and your work each day. The conversations I'm having via email with you and your grown ups keep me going.


Thank you laugh

Mrs Clough


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