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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 21st October

Hello Year 6!

Welcome to our last day of isolation work. Tomorrow you will begin your half-term holiday and we will return to school on Monday 2nd November. Yesterday, I didn't receive as many pieces of work as in previous days. Don't forget to comment on today's blog post when you have completed your work so we know the work you have completed. So sharpen your pencils and prepare for the last day of learning before your holiday! Good luck everybody!


L.O Arithmetic Skills

We didn’t set you any ‘homework’ on Friday as all your work was done at home. I do, however, want you to do one more Arithmetic Test before you break up for Half Term.

Click on the link below to open Arithmetic Test 6. Try to complete the Test in 30mins. Once you have completed all the questions, I want you to mark it. I then want you to look at your mistakes and try again. Please take care with your divisions and think about what we did in class. Don't look at the answers until after you've tried them all. 

Please send me a BLOG and tell me how many you got right. 

Over half term we are not setting any homework, but I do want you to go onto TTRS.


LO: To use reading skills

Today, you are going to listen to Mr Birch read Chapter 14 of Cogheart. What will happen after the dreadful events of Chapter 13? Carefully read the questions on the slides. Answer ALL the questions in your book (8 retrieval, 3 inference and 1 summary) and upload them to the blog.

Cogheart - Chapter 14

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


L.O People who have shown great commitment to helping others.

Last week we looked at different jobs that needed dedication and commitment. Today we are going to learn about children who have been committed to making our world a better place for others. There are 2 parts to this lesson. Some people think that problems are SO big that they can’t do anything to help and they give up. Just remember even the smallest acts can make a difference.

Part 1. Watch the video below called ‘The Starfish Story’. Answer these 2 questions in your book.

1.What is the message behind this story?
2.What little thing have you done that has made a big difference to someone else’s life? (Think hard about this one. We have done lots at school over the years that has made a difference to others.)

Part 2. You may need to use the internet to help with this task.

Here are the names of 5 young people who have made a different by being committed to something. All I want you to find out what they have done. Write your answers in your book and send me a photo or type your answers straight onto the BLOG.

1. Greta Thunberg

2. Louis Braille

3. Mikaila Ulmer

4. Faith Boyd

5. Frank Mills (You will need to google Frank Mills aged 6)

Starfish Story (aka The Star Thrower)

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