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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 11th January

Good morning Year 3!

Well done for settling into Home Learning so well last week, I am so proud of you and receiving your emails with your work on is the best part of my day! 

Today you have 4 tasks:

1. Maths

2. English

3. RE

4. Reading on GetEpic! I have assigned you a book called 'Gladiators' that links to our Romans Topic!


I would also like you to play on TTRS for at least 15mins. 
Have a look at the information below about the 21 Day Bingo and this can be your PE lessons this week! It starts today, so let me see how many people can get a full house in 21 days time!
Remember to say hello to me on the blog once a day!

Love Mrs Sethi x



On the ‘Class Pages’ section of the website, if you scroll down you will find a video and PDF document explaining Burnley Schools Partnership’s 21 Day Bingo challenge. This starts today and I would like you to have a look at it and complete some of it every day! You can send me pictures to my email to show me the PE and activity you have been doing! Remember, moving and exercising every day is great for our mental health and wellbeing. It also helps us to learn and focus if we do some exercise every day. I wonder who will be able to shout BINGO in 21 days!!


LO:  To divide 100 in equal parts.

Today I would like you to look at the power point I have attached below. I would like you to work through it in slideshow mode, answering the questions in your homework book. There is then a challenge at the end where you need to work out what the shapes represent in the questions. At the end of the power point there are some 100 squares that you can print out and use to help you if you can. You can cut them up into equal parts to help with the questions.


LO: To research a famous person.



Today I would like you to use the internet to find out and research information on a famous person. Now here’s the fun bit… you can decide who you research!! Maybe you will choose your favourite singer, or your favourite footballer, or your favourite author! The possibilities are endless! Once you have chosen your famous person, I would like you to find out the following about them:

  • Their full name

  • Their date of birth

  • Where they were born

  • When they died (obviously this might not be needed if they are still alive)

  • What they are famous for

  • Important things that happened in their careers

  • Some information about their family

  • Any other interesting information

  • What they will be remembered for

Write all this information neatly into your English Homework books as you will need it! Please keep it safe as you will need this information tomorrow.

If you have a laptop or a computer, you could type the research up and put it on a word document for me to have a look at.


LO: To think about the gifts to Jesus.

Today we are doing our last lesson on our ‘Visitors’ topic in RE. We are going to look at the last part of the Christmas story, where the Wise Men came to visit Jesus. First, I would like you to watch the video below on the Epiphany – this was last week, when we celebrate the Wise Men visiting Jesus.

Then you need to read the two documents underneath that are the story of the Wise Men.

Once you have watched the video and read the story, I want you to think about if you were visiting Jesus, what gift would you bring to show your love? 

In your lined book, I want you to draw a picture of the gift you would give Jesus and then write a message to accompany your gift, giving reasons for your choice.

Epiphany Story

2 8 1 4 1 2 Visitors