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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 5th June

It's Friday everybody! Yeah!!laugh

Well! We are happy to report that many people joined Leo, Oliver and Cerys yesterday to enter the gang of brilliant bloggers! Daniel, Megan, Lillia, Daisha, Evie Gr (please send in CLOSE UPS of your work), Lucca, Leighton, Michael, Gianfranco and Martha all contributed work and of course many more of you send in fabulous emails. So we are happy to report that MOST of Year 6 have kept up with their learning this week.This is fabulous news! So let's end the week on a high today with everybody getting stuck into Friday's lessons. Here we go... 


Below are your tasks for today. Remember if you need to ask any questions go to the class blog and add a comment to 5-6-20 TODAY'S WORK. Keep checking the comments on this BLOG because that is where we will post our replies to you.



For this week's PE Lessons, I want you to either re-visit Joe Wicks or choose 3 Go Noodles to complete. Let me know what you choose and how you get on!



YIPPEE! It’s Friday again and you know what that means. FRIDAY ARITHMETIC TEST. Click on the PDF attached below, and your questions will appear just like magic.

For the Summer Term we are now using a new type of Arithmetic Test.

Do your working out and answers in your Maths Book and then get someone to mark it for you. BLOG me your score out of 30 please.

The answers are on a separate document. Only look at them after you have done them.


LO: To understand a text

Instead of a 10-minute grammar test this Friday, we are going to complete a 10 minute READING test. Find your orange KS2 English READING SATS Buster 10 Minute Test Book 1. Complete: Set A Test 1 on page 2. When you have finished, use the answers at the back of the book to mark your work out of 8 and post this score. 

LO: To build a story timeline

Today’s main task is to bullet point a timeline of the events in the Francis Brandywine clip. Underneath your date and LO, start your list with something like this:

  1. Chicago city at night-time with a train and car.
  2. Boy’s bedroom with a fish tank, shark posters, a guitar and a boy looking at a map of Quetico Park.
  3. In Quetico Park, Francis secretly gets out of her tent at night, puts her boots on and carries a lamp over to the lake.

Continue bullet pointing until you get to the end of the story. You should have between 10 and 15 bullet points. Attach your work to today’s blog or email it to me.

CGI Animated Shorts : "Francis" - Directed by Richard Hickey | TheCGBros

Check out this well animated and creepy CGI animated film "Francis", Directed by Richard Hickey, and written by Dave Eggers. The story of "Francis" came abou...


LO: To recall e-safety rules

At the moment, we are all spending lots of time online. So more than ever, it is important to remind ourselves of information and advice to help keep us safe online. Education City has some great units of work to help you with this. Log in to Education City and find today's learning. Work through the slides on the first unit, which is called Balancing Life. Then you will be able to answer the quiz questions in the second Balancing Life Unit. Repeat the same process for the 2 Cyber Bullying units. I will see your quiz scores from my own Education City account so make sure you complete BOTH of these quizzes as they are VERY important.

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