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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 1st May


Well done you have made it to Friday! Keep going, keep active! I have loved seeing all the work you have achieved this week.

Comment on my today’s blog post when you have completed a task and keep emailing me your work if you want. 

Keep logging onto TT Rockstars and READING! Any problems let me know via adult email:

Today's work you will need your comprehension book for your packs for English, Education City for Maths and the school video section of the website for RE. Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!

Well done boys, even thought there are a lot more boys than girls!

You are all amazing!



Task 1: English

LO: To complete a reading comprehension

From the KS2 English Comprehension Year 4 Targeted Question Book in your folders, complete The Dragonsitter's Island Comprehension activity on pages 6-7. Don’t forget the put the Date at the top of the page.  Please read through the text carefully and keep going back to the text after you have read each question! The answers are in the text! 
You may want to draw me a picture of the dragon when you have done and email your master pieces! Good Luck and well done everyone!


Task 2: Maths

LO: To problem solve using charts and graphs

Today's Maths task you need to log onto Education City, click on classwork and click on Math's Task: Friday 1st May. Complete all the activities, copy any sheets into you exercise book and only use the answers to check your work! Enjoy


Task 3: RE/PSHE

LO: To explore how good news brings new life

Today's RE task is all about exploring our new topic of Pentecost and if you click on the link below, it will take you to the school's video page of the website, the RE lesson is all explained by me on this video, sit back listen and Enjoy! The link below will take you to the school videos page you need to click on RE Lesson, Friday 1st May video under videos for Year 4. You will need to pause on the slide of the questions to answer into your exercise books!

The RE lesson video looks like this :)

Don't forget to check out the Newsletter on the website to find out the Home Learner, Blogger and Picture of the Week!

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