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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 29th January

Task 1

Maths - Days of the week.

Click the link - 7 days of the week song.

Write the 7 days of the week on separate pieces of paper. Can you order them?

Now complete the Days of the Week table. 

Task 2

Phonics - qu, ng, ch and sh

Sorting activity - Draw this table in your exercise book or on your whiteboard.

Look at the pictures below. Write the words in the correct columns.

Look at the stars. Yesterday we learnt how to draw a star. So, if you can read the word, draw a star in your book, write the word in the middle and then colour it. Good luck smiley


Task 3

PD - EYFS 3 Fundamental skills - hop, jump and run.

Click on the link - Let's move 

Disco Dice for 12 - You need your dice.

Thank you for another fabulous week, Reception. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Take care

Mrs Collinsheart

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