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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 29th April

Happy Wednesday Year 1


Thank you so much for the work you sent me yesterday. I loved seeing you with your books and I can now read some Polish thanks to Oliver!


Today we will join Joe as we always do. You are all very good though as I see photos of you bike riding and out in your gardens and on trampolines too keeping fit and moving. Well done!


We are continuing the shape theme in Maths today but also shaking it up a little by finding halves and quarters of shapes and other things. There are two learning screens and some screen activities along with some written activities too. Please look and listen carefully and try your best with this. Thank you.


Would you then look at your Targeted Comprehension book and turn to pages 8 and 9. On page 8 please try to remember how to spell the number words and write them in your very best handwriting. Page 9 read the words and put them in the order in which they would happen. Remember which way round your numbers should go!

Next look at page 10. You need to read the words carefully, trace over them and write them, again in your very best writing in the correct place on the page to label the pictures correctly.


Our RE topic this half term is Holidays and Holydays. I know we have been safe in our homes now for a while, other than our daily exercise but I want you to do a little dreaming. I have really enjoyed doing this. Have a good think. Where would you like to go on holiday right now if you could? It could be remembering a fabulous holiday you once had or simply thinking of somewhere you have never been and you would like to go to. I want to know all about it. Why is it this place? (you could ask your grown up to google it and actually look at it). What is it that makes the place you have chosen special? What would you do once you got there? Who would you go with? I have done this myself. I have put a photo on mine but you could simply draw it and then complete the writing around it. You can do your writing in colours if you like. Please draw and colour carefully. Think about the where, why, with whom and what would you do? I think I will put these together like I have with your Easter art and your book hunt so you can all see each other's work as though it were displayed on our virtual classroom walllaugh



Mrs Clough  Wednesday 29th April 2020

 I would go to the Great Dorset Steam Fair. I have been there twice already with Mr Clough and George. We go in our caravan. It is on for about a week over August Bank Holiday. There is so much to see and do. It starts each day at about 9am and goes on beyond midnight. There are so many things to see and do. It is enormous and the sun always seems to shine. Thousands of people go. It is huge and you can have a bus ride around it to see everything. Lots of people camp there. It is in a farmer’s field( many fields)




I would like my daughters and their partners to come too if they were able so that we could spend time there as a family.

I would take them for breakfast and watch the animals as we ate.

I would wander round the world war 2 bunkers and see the History of it all.

I would stay up until midnight when all the seam engines blow their whistles in a huge noise. There were 500 engines two years ago and it was amazing.

I would eat ice cream in the afternoon whilst listening to some one singing on a stage.

I would hold belongings as everyone went on the fairground. I would take photos.

I would sit in the sunshine watching the engine displays.

I would treat everyone to sweets and drinks in the sunshine.

I would sleep in the caravan every night.



Thank you again for sending me all your work. I do love to see it and you with it.Work hard today and be good.

Love Mrs Clough

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