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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Matty the Macaw!


Our Literacy work linked to our Rainforest topic has been amazing this half term. Well done Year 3! We started off by looking at Information Texts and researched and wrote our own pages about a Rainforest Animal. Because we enjoyed this so much, we felt like if we really had the animal to look at, we would learn so much more! However, we knew if we were going to be allowed a Rainforest animal as a pet, we would need to do a LOT of persuading! We then spent a week looking at persuasive writing and wrote some fabulous letters to Mrs McKeating asking for her permission. They were brilliant and some of us had even been round school asking other people what they thought! After much thought, Mrs McKeating made her decision. She was a little worried that a Macaw would distract us from our work, so unfortunately we wouldn't be allowed one in class. However, it wasn't long before a mysterious bag appeared in our classroom. What could it be?

WE CAN'T BELIEVE IT! We persuaded Mrs McKeating after all! She was so impressed with our fabulous writing and presentation that she has let Matty the Macaw come to live in Year 3! Whilst he doesn't make a sound, he really is a busy bird and has been flying around his new home already looking at all our Rainforest work. He feels like he is at home! We are absolutely thrilled with our new flying friend and even better, we don't have to clean him out!


A big thank-you to Mrs McKeating from everybody in Year 3. We love him and we promise to look after him!

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