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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 3rd March

Happy Wednesday Year 5! I cannot believe how quick this week has gone. It must be because I’m so excited to see you all face to face on Monday! You really made me laugh and smile on our TEAMS meeting yesterday so it has made me look forward to Monday even more. I hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s myth: Theseus and the Minotaur. Doesn’t it have a shocking ending!


Here are your lessons for today. Please make sure you email or blog your work.

LO – To read and respond to a myth.

Today’s Myth is called Persephone. It’s not a very common one but it’s interesting as it involves a few of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. I would like you to read the myth on the document below and then answer the 10 questions.


When you have finished, there are a further 7 questions on the slides below for you to answer.

You can also watch the video below of Persephone but this is just for your interest and nothing to do with your reading questions for today. You could look out for some similarities and differences between the written version and the video version!

Persephone | The Greek Goddess of Spring | Ancient Greek Mythology

LO – To solve area word problems.

Today you have an exciting problem solving activity to complete. It’s called ‘Calculator Conundrums’ so you will need a calculator. For this lesson, you will need to know:

  • How to calculate the area of a rectangle – Area = length x width.
  • What a consecutive number is - Consecutive numbers are simply numbers that follow on in order, one after the other. 1,2,3,4,5 are consecutive, but they don't have to start at 1. They can begin anywhere 8,9,10,11 ..... 123,124,125,126 ...... 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024

Open up the sheet below and write the answers down in your book. I know you will enjoy this activity!

Optional task

Have a go at the additional worksheet below if you wish to. This is another area problem solving task.

Samba activities

Hello everyone! Here is your final online samba lesson. Next week, I am really looking forward to seeing everyone back in school. For music today, I would like you to complete the 5 activities explained on the document below. To help you understand them, please listen to the AUDIO clip on your year group video page of the school website. Don’t worry that there are no images, it is just a sound recording.


I hope you enjoy your learning!

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