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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 18th June

Your homework this week is due to be completed by Friday 25th June


English Homework

This week's homework is stuck into you homework book or the sheets have come home with you. Complete all the work on the sheet you may need to write answers into your book. Return your book into school once completed.


Maths Homework

Practice your TIMESTABLES!

Play on TimesTable Rockstars as much as possible, there will be a prize for the most time spent on TTRS. I will be checking who has logged on and spent AT LEAST 20 MINS on TTRS. This is how I know you have done your Maths homework. 


PE Homework - National School Sports Week - Together Again

Saturday 19 to Friday 25 June 2021

To celebrate the importance of Physical Education and school sport this summer, we have created a timetable of fun resources to be active, move more, learn new skills and take part in challenges and games.

Click on the PDF link below, this will take you to the timetables for the week. Click on the links for each day and have fun trying the activities.

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