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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 1

Welcome to Year One.


Our friendly team consists of Mrs Adamson, Mrs Barker and Mrs Glynn.


We pride ourselves upon having a happy classroom and we wear our sweatshirts with pride. This means that we Love One Another.


Keep following this page for all of the latest news from Year One!

Year One and Year Two having fun at Blackpool.Oh we do like to be beside the seaside!



Year One have been influencial in changing the packaging on Warburton's wraps. They noticed that the wraps were described as 'Square-ish'. However they measured the actual wraps and found that they were rectangular in shape.


During the Big Write session they wrote letters to Warburtons to tell them about the inaccuracy. Warburtons were fantastic in replying to Year One and visited our classroom with a supply of bakery treats.

The whole class had a wonderful picnic eating pancakes and wraps whilst soaking up the sunshine.

Thank-you Warburtons for your prompt reply and a free delicious supply of treats from your bakery.  


Year One had a wonderful visit to Padiham Tesco. Just look at our pictures to see what fun we had whilst learning about the importance of eating healthily and the production of bread.  



Year One had a special assembly to celebrate the special learning day which the whole school participated in for R.E. and P.S.H.E. It was an opportunity for the pupils to share what they learnt throughout the day. Each classroom had an activity based upon S.E.A.L. (Social and emotional learning.)


Activities were based upon topics such as  friendship, bullying, going for goals

and good to be me.

Year One Assembly

Year One say goodbye to Miss Jones. Miss Jones brought happiness into Year One. Thank-you with love from Mrs Adamson and your friends in Year One xxx.


Year One and Mrs Adamson  are reaching for the stars in 2014. All children in Year One have made a special star for their Prayer Friend to guide them in 2014.

The Christmas Play

Festive fun at St John's .The Christmas Party



At St.John's we pride ourselves upon taking care of each other. Seeds and Gardeners has been a long tradition within our school. The Reception children have a Gardener to care for them. Obviously at the end of the school year the Gardener leaves for secondary school and the Reception child moves into Year One.

In Year One we realised that we can still carry on this tradition of caring for each other by being special Prayer Friends to each other within our class. Throughout the day we have opportunties to talk to our Prayer Friend and share our thoughts and feelings with each other. We are able to develop a special relationship with each other.


Year One had a wonderful time watching the colours of red, blue and yellow turning into a rainbow of colours. It was amazing to see the colours change when washing-up liquid was added. How did this happen? Where did purple appear from? Where did orange appear from?


Year One learnt so much.


Purple is made from blue and red.

Orange is made from red and yellow.

Green is made from yellow and blue.

We have a wonderful  display in our classroom. Please come and look!

Colour Explosion

Pumpkins in Year One

Mr Kelly came to visit Year One. He is very special because he is our Chair of Governors.

We have been thinking about our mums and realising why they are so important to us. We used I.C.T. to create some lovely pictures of our mums. We have also developed our speaking skills by talking about the special qualities of our mums. You can listen to our comments and view our wonderful pictures below. 


Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

Still image for this video

Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

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Mum's the word

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Mum's the word!

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