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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 6th July

Good morning Year 2! I hope you are well and had a wonderful weekend! laugh

There are now only 2 weeks left of school, I can't believe it! Time seems to be going by very quickly. Please continue to do your best to complete our home schooling tasks for the last few days of term, to get yourselves ready for Year 3! We can do this! heart


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


Monday 6th July    06/07/2020


Maths- Litres


Please could you watch the video and then complete the worksheets afterwards. You can print the worksheets if you like, or copy ONLY the answers into your red book.


Year 2 - Week 11 - Lesson 1 - Litres.mp4

Still image for this video

English- Please find your KS1 English Comprehension Book. I would like you to read and answer pages 26-27 ‘Animals’ and pages 28-29 ‘Slippers at School?’

RE- To know that we are God's treasures.

Please answer the following questions in full sentences in your green book. 

  1. How does God look after us?
  2. Why does God look after us?
  3. How does God look after YOU?
  4. Why do YOU feel happy?


Underneath, draw a picture of yourself surrounded by what makes you happy.


Have a lovely day. smiley

Love Miss Dewhurst x

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