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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 30th April

It's Thursday already, keep up the amazing work! Keep having fun and stay active! Today's Maths task has my voice on the video explaining what to do again LONG DIVISION Inspire Maths Enjoy! Remember to blog or email me when you have completed a task! Not everyone is blogging , logging onto TT RockStars or logging onto Education City: If you are struggling to log onto any of these please let me know via adult email:

Keep logging onto TT RockStars to compete in the boys vs girls tournament which ends on Friday, lets see who wins, girls you need to catch up!

Don't forgot you can see photo's, videos and work from Year 4 by clicking on this link on Year 4's class page. Adults can send me photo's via email!



Task 1: Maths

LO: To divide a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number

Today's Maths Task is all about LONG DIVISION and using the method correctly! YAY! In the video below, I explain the long division method, follow this correctly, you can pause and start the video when ever you like to make sure you understand. Remember DMSB and to present your working neatly and space it all out. Enjoy!

Maths Task Lesson

Still image for this video

Now if you can please complete Whole Numbers Section on Multiplication and Division from your Inspire Assessment Books in your Home Learning packs. Just try your best!


Task 2: English

LO: To research Ancient Egypt and write a dairy entry

In your exercise books or using the template below. I would like you to use the internet to research these Ancient Egypt topics: Pharaohs, Pyramids, River Nile and Hieroglyphics. 

Write as much information down as you like, remember it is only notes! 


Now I would like you to choose and pretend to be one of the following people from Ancient Egyptian times. Using your research I would like you to write a diary entry as this person, write and explain what a typical day would be like for you in Ancient Egypt.


Task 3: Geography/DT

LO: To create a compass and use to identify direction of different countries.

Today, I would like you to have a go at making a compass, below are some suggestions on how to do it, but you can research different ways on how to do it if you would like.

How to Make a Homemade Compass

Now using the compass you have made (if not use one on your phone or draw a pretend one). I want you to use an atlas, draw or print off a picture of the world map (maybe use the one from you Geography task a few weeks ago) and place your compass on top anywhere. Then which ever the country the compass is pointing to I want you to find out the flag of that county and draw it into you exercise book or even make the flag out of LEGO it is up to you. Then move the compass again and repeat the flag activity as many times as you like. Blog or email me your compasses and flags. Enjoy!
