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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 24th June

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are ok!

Thank you for doing your best with the tasks, even when lots of mums and dads are now back at work or even have been working this whole time! You are super stars!


Here are your learning tasks that I would like you to complete today.

Remember, you can email any work/ pictures you have completed to 


I am consistently monitoring your activity on online resources. Please make sure you’re accessing your daily tasks and making time to exercise!


Wednesday 24th June    24/06/2020


Maths- Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes

Please could you watch the video and then complete the worksheets afterwards. You can print the worksheets if you like, or copy ONLY the answers into your red book.


For the tick questions, you DO NOT need to draw the shapes, just number them like

1   2   3

4   5   6


I can match answers to the questions!

Year 2 - Week 8 - Lesson 2 - Count faces, edges and verticies on 3D shapes.mp4

Still image for this video

English- Comprehension

Please log on to Education City and access the classwork 'Comprehension 24/06'. Please work your way through the activity. There is a worksheet at the end to complete (I've attached it below). If you want to print it, please do, if not, just copy the answers into your green book.







Geography- Using a map and symbols to find our way around a farm.


Please work your way through the power point below. Then, in your yellow book, I would like you to make your own map of a farm. Please see the worksheet for information.

Have a lovely day.laugh

Love Miss Dewhurst x

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