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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thurday 21st May

Good morning! Happy Thursday I hope you are well. You are working so hard and I’m really proud of you. A couple more of you are using the blog this week which is fantastic. Please keep this up. Only 2 more days left then it is half term! Fingers crossed we have some lovely weather.


Here are your lessons for today:

LO – To read and respond to a text

Read ‘The Unsinkable Giant’ which is a diary entry of somebody who was on board the Titanic. There may be a few words you need to look up if you don’t understand them. Some of these are in purple. Mustn’t it have been terribly scary if you were on board when disaster struck?

When you have read through the text, read the questions on the picture slides below and answer them. Email them to me or post them on the blog.

LO – To subtract mixed numbers

Yesterday we were adding mixed numbers, today we are going to subtract them. Well done with persevering with the Maths work this week as I know many of you have found it challenging. Click on the link below to get on to the White Rose website. Find Lesson 4 on subtracting mixed numbers and watch the video carefully. Then complete the worksheet I have uploaded below, mark it and send me your score.

LO – To understand the fruits of the Holy Spirit

The first friends of Jesus used their new energy given through the Holy Spirit to spread the Good News of God’s love for everyone.  The effects of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the change and transformation the Spirit makes are called the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’, because it is what grows in your heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Look at the reading below based on the letter of Paul to the Galatians. 


What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, your selfish self is the opposite of what the Holy Spirit wants.  The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.

Based on Galatians 5: 16-17, 22-23

Answer the following questions in your book or on the blog:


  1. What does Paul tell us that the Holy Spirit gives to everyone?
  2. Which ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ do you think God has given to you?
  3. What ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ would you like to have and why?


Then, look at the picture slides below and read the different scenarios. I want you to decide which fruit of the Holy Spirit you think is being discussed. Write numbers 1-14 in your book (or on the blog) and choose which fruit of the Holy Spirit you think it is.

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