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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



The children went to the theatre to watch The Scarecrows' Wedding by Julia Donaldson. They had a great time and drew some amazing pictures of Betty O'Barley and Harry O'Hay.

A T-Rex has been spotted on our school yard! The children have written some amazing poetry about this!

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The children in Year 2 went outside to see if they could find the T-Rex. Unfortunately, it found them first!

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But fear of our special fearless Jet Set Angels sent the T-Rex away!

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The children watched the video clip below and discovered a dinosaur lives in our school library!  After watching the clip, they wrote some amazing questions using question marks and some fantastic exclamation sentences.  What an amazing class they are!

A Dinosaur lives in our Library!

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The children wrote some fantastic 'Pattern Poetry' inspired by Andy and his Dinosaur Adventures, especially the Diplodocus Dung episode...yes, that's right, DUNG!

In English, we have been looking at settings and using adjectives to describe them.  We read a story written by our author friend, Tommy Donbavand called 'They Came from Class 6c'. We decided that Tommy had left this story on a 'cliff hanger' so we wrote our own endings. We were really proud of our own work.  We also drew some of the characters from Tommy's story including Bob the fish, Chirpy the chick, Tiddles the hamster and Fran the Lollipop Lady.
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