- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Happy Monday Year 4! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend celebrating social distancing VE day and I have loved seeing all the photos Mrs Barker has uploaded on the community section on the website.
Enjoy today's task and try your best, have regular breaks and keep active!
Remember to comment on my blog today when you have completed a task and email me any work if you like to: Year4_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk.
Keep logging onto TT Rockstars and READ everyday
Task 1: English
LO: To use fronted adverbials
Watch the video below and I will explain what to do. Complete work into your exercise books don't forget the date and LO. Please can you concentrate on your best handwriting and presentation. If I am going too fast just pause and/or go back, Enjoy!
Task 2: Maths
LO: To problem solve using mathematical skills
Try to complete as many as these activities as you can and have fun! Use your mathematical thinking and you can do this with anyone at home for extra help. Click on PDF below and you only need to do the first Year 3 and 4 page! Write your answers and scores into your exercise books and BLOG so we can all see how you have done!
Task 3
LO: To understand coding
Log onto Education City click on classwork then on Computing Task: Monday 11th May, complete all the activities using the answer sheets at the end to check you answers.